Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Alex and Ani video!

The amazing video that Alex and Ani did for the Shark Finn bracelet has been released!

Click here to see the amazingness.  :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A big, giant thank you to all who came out and celebrated Finn's legacy with us on Saturday night...there were about 90 of you present, and we truly appreciate it.  A big thanks as well to all those who made donations to Finnz Fundz but were unable to be there in person.  The night was a big success.  The Phenix Sportsman's Club made us feel very welcome, photographer Amy Ritz donated her time and took amazing pics, and Glenn Stewart and his band rocked the house.  A special thanks to Charlene Shoener for her AMAZING centerpieces!!! And a shout out to Jennie Devoe and her girls night out crew for taking care of the evening's host and hostess.  We were thrilled to have you all with us (including Squirrel from Michigan!) and can't wait for next year's party.  For now, we rest!

And....BIG DRUM ROLL....we raised $3000!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and a little bracelet called the Shark Finn is now available at Alex and Ani online and in their stores.
We know that lots of you went right out and got yours as soon as you could...thank you!  We went and visited the bracelets at three of the Alex and Ani stores here in RI!  20% of the purchase price comes back to Finnz Fundz--we are so lucky to be in partnership with this amazing (and local!) company!!!  Keep an eye out for a video about the release soon!

Once again, THANK YOU to all who love us and Finn, and who continue to support us on this journey!